I´m not sure where to start on talking about my life. I have mentioned that I started seeing this as the Spring of my life, where there is a lot of promise of new life, but also plenty of storms to endure. Thinking to the future and on my return to the States, which will happen in a week and a half, I have resolved to not be afraid. Even though my perception of my life has been thrown into confusion and taken some turns I had not foreseen, I´m resolving to put my trust in God for everything.
We leave Kadesh in two days, in order to slowly make our way down the coast and into South Africa over the course of the week. The transition is strange. Andrew and I had a great time with the guys from Minnesota, but they left nearly a week ago, and we are just starting to bond with the group from Utah. That group includes two guys, two girls and two parents, and they are all pretty cool, but they are a different group from the Minnesota guys. I have particularly become close with Cassie, one of the girls, who is my age and is really cool. I will stop there and leave it at that before I say something stupid, which I fear I have already just done. Suffice it to say, it has been an interesting end to our two month trip. It will most likely be very good for us to have the week of traveling to sort everything out in my mind and prepare myself for life in back in America. As I said, I have resolved not to be afraid, but to trust, and I now have to make that resolution a reality. I am probably more optimistic and in better condition than I have ever been before.
I believe I owe a lot to those who are praying for me, because I know I have felt the presence of God on me, as if all your thoughts and prayers have combined to place it there. I cannot say for certain why I say that, except that it feels as if an extra portion has been given to me, through no merit of my own searching or striving or praying. I am very blessed, and I appreciate all the kind regards and comments and thoughts and prayers and emails from everyone who has paid attention at all to my life. Please continue with such, as and after I return.
1 comment:
cant wait til you get home to hear all about your experiences, jake.
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