is it just me or does your blog name keep changing? that's an interesting question you have posed. hmph. by the way, katherine kleingartner and i were talking behind your back last night. just thought i should get that out in the open. all good things trust me. i like that your "favorite music" is "my music." fair enough. take care jake! hope i'll be seeing you st. patty's day! viva los irish!
jake, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. i will need your prayers and thoughts with me. things arent really too good right now, but they will be soon, i hope. i miss talking to you. where have you been?
uh-oh. people talking about me. No my blog title isn't changing. I changed the font once. And the position. but the name has been the same since the first month. Anyway, I'll see ya tomorrow night, We'll have to try and con people into playing mafia. An irish mafia? I dont' know. I don't really care. It should be fun.
is it just me or does your blog name keep changing? that's an interesting question you have posed. hmph. by the way, katherine kleingartner and i were talking behind your back last night. just thought i should get that out in the open. all good things trust me. i like that your "favorite music" is "my music." fair enough. take care jake! hope i'll be seeing you st. patty's day! viva los irish!
jake, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. i will need your prayers and thoughts with me. things arent really too good right now, but they will be soon, i hope. i miss talking to you. where have you been?
uh-oh. people talking about me. No my blog title isn't changing. I changed the font once. And the position. but the name has been the same since the first month. Anyway, I'll see ya tomorrow night, We'll have to try and con people into playing mafia. An irish mafia? I dont' know. I don't really care. It should be fun.
yes! irish mafia! it actually makes alot of sense. oh oh! it could be IRA mafia! woot. like, who killed the protestant? ha.
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